
This history covers the period from 1878 to 1971, including such subjects as early-day industry, local tragedies and drama, colorful characters, Chuckanut Drive, the railroad, the beaches, the mountain and Larrabee Park.

Written by Robert B. Thomas, a life-long resident of the Chuckanut area, with many illustrations by Robert Williamson. 65 pages, copyright 1971 by the Chuckanut Community & Firefighters Association, Inc.

Available for $16.50.

A number of long-time Chuckanut residents record their memories of early life on the Bay. The subjects include early day school bus drivers, the 1958 train wreck that signaled the end of the Salmon Cannery, landslides of 1934 & '35, the old Yacht Club, and a time in 1937 when three acres of prime view property opposite Dot Island could be purchased for $1500.

Conceived & written by the people of Chuckanut, edited by Frances Judd, John & Nancy Arnold. 90 pages, copyright 1995 by the Chuckanut Community & Firefighters Association, Inc.

Available for $16.50.

In 1978, thirty-eight Chuckanut residents contributed favorite local recipes to this spiral-bound, 49-page cookbook, as a fundraiser for the Chuckanut Fire Auxiliary District #6. It includes recipes for crab burgers and crab souffle (seven crab recipes in all), Mary's salmon tart and, perhaps best of all, beer waffles!

"This book is dedicated to the continuing effort to make the Chuckanut Community a safer place to live."

Available for $3.00.

These notecards, 5 1/2 x 4 1/4 inches, are faced with historic drawings by Chuckanut resident John W. Arnold. The example shown is "Chuckanut Drive with the Great Northern Railroad and the Interurban Tracks, about 1918."

A selection of 5 cards for $1.00.

To purchase, contact CBCA Publications.